Training and Testing#

This tutorial shows how to train and evaluate a policy on FurnitureBench and FurnitureSim.


  • Run following commands to install the dependencies for training and testing.

    cd <path/to/furniture-bench>
  • Now, install JAX with GPU support based on your CUDA version. See official doc.

  • Make sure your PyTorch and JAX are installed properly. You can run the following commands to check the installation.

    python -c "import torch; print(f'PyTorch installed successfully, with GPU support = {torch.cuda.is_available()}')"
    python -c "import jax.numpy as jnp; jnp.ones((3,)); print('JAX installed successfully')"
  • Prepare training data. You can download the FurnitureBench dataset (Dataset) or generate one in FurnitureSim (Automated Assembly Script).

Evaluating Pre-trained Policies#

This section shows how to evaluate pre-trained policies of BC and Implicit Q-Learning (IQL) algorithms.

Evaluating Pre-trained IQL#

You can run our pre-trained IQL policies in FurnitureSim using implicit_q_learning/

cd <path/to/furniture-bench>

python implicit_q_learning/ --env_name=FurnitureSimImageFeature-v0/one_leg --config=implicit_q_learning/configs/ --ckpt_step=1000000 --run_name one_leg_full_iql_r3m_low_sim_1000 --randomness low
  • If you use the pair of run_name and seed that we provide, the pre-trained checkpoint will be automatically downloaded from Google Drive. The checkpoint will be saved in checkpoint/ckpt/<run_name>.<seed> (e.g., one_leg_full_iql_r3m_low_sim_1000.42 for run name one_leg_full_iql_r3m_low_sim_1000 and seed 42).

  • The below table shows the list of pre-trained run_name and seed:

Run name / seed


one_leg_full_iql_r3m_low_sim_1000 / 42

IQL trained with 1000 scripted demos in simulation, low randomness.

one_leg_full_iql_r3m_low_1000 / 42

IQL trained with 1000 real-world demos, low randomness.

one_leg_full_iql_r3m_med_1000 / 42

IQL trained with 1000 real-world demos, medium randomness.

one_leg_full_iql_r3m_mixed_2000 / 42

IQL trained with 2000 real-world demos, low and medium randomness.

  • To evaluate the real-world policies, you must change --env_name with the real-world environment: FurnitureBenchImageFeature-v0.

Evaluating Pre-trained BC#

BC policies are evaluated using

python -m run run_prefix=<run_prefix> init_ckpt_path=<path/to/checkpoint> rolf.encoder_type=<encoder_type> is_train=False gpu=<gpu_id> env.randomness=<randomness>

# E.g., evaluate a pre-trained BC policy with ResNet18 encoder
python -m run run_prefix=one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim_1000 init_ckpt_path=checkpoints/ckpt/one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim_1000/ rolf.encoder_type=resnet18 is_train=False gpu=0 env.randomness=low
  • To evaluate the real-world policies, set

Training a Policy from Scratch#

We provide a tutorial on how to train a policy from scratch using our codebase.

Preprocess Data for Training#

Both for BC and IQL training, you need to convert a raw dataset as follows:

python furniture_bench/scripts/ --in-data-path <path/to/demos> --out-data-path <path/to/processed/demo>

# E.g., convert data in `scripted_sim_demo/one_leg` and store in `scripted_sim_demo/one_leg_processed`
python furniture_bench/scripts/ --in-data-path scripted_sim_demo/one_leg --out-data-path scripted_sim_demo/one_leg_processed

To extract skill-specific segmented trajectories, use --from-skill and --to-skill:

python furniture_bench/scripts/ --in-data-path <path/to/demos> --out-data-path <path/to/processed/demo> --from-skill <skill_index> --to-skill <skill_index>

Training BC#

The following command trains a BC policy. You can change rolf.encoder_type to resnet18, resnet32, resnet50, r3m, or vip. If you want to log using wandb, use these arguments: wandb=True wandb_entity=<entity_name> wandb_project=<project_name>.

python -m run run_prefix=<run_prefix> rolf.demo_path=<path/to/processed/demo><furniture> rolf.encoder_type=<encoder_type> gpu=<gpu_id>

# E.g., train BC with ResNet18 encoder
python -m run run_prefix=one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim rolf.demo_path=scripted_sim_demo/one_leg_processed/ rolf.encoder_type=resnet18 rolf.finetune_encoder=True gpu=0

The setup for BC training is specified in the file rolf/rolf/config/algo/bc.yaml. This configuration will be merged with the default settings for the training. The merged configuration will be stored in the config directory, following the naming convention: FurnitureDummy-v0.bc.<run_prefix>.<seed>.yaml.

Evaluating BC#

To evaluate a BC policy, add is_train=False and the checkpoint path to evalute init_ckpt_path=log/FurnitureDummy-v0.bc.<run_prefix>.<seed>/ckpt/<checkpoint name>.

python -m run  run_prefix=<run_prefix><furniture> rolf.encoder_type=<encoder_type> gpu=<gpu_id> is_train=False init_ckpt_path=<path/to/checkpoint>

# E.g., evaluate BC with ResNet18 encoder
python -m run  run_prefix=one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim rolf.encoder_type=resnet18 gpu=0 is_train=False init_ckpt_path=log/FurnitureDummy-v0.bc.one_leg_full_bc_resnet18_low_sim.123/ckpt/

Training IQL#

  1. Extract R3M or VIP features from the demonstrations:

python implicit_q_learning/ --furniture <furniture> --demo_dir <path/to/data> --out_file_path <path/to/converted_data> [--use_r3m | --use_vip]

# E.g., extract R3M features from the dataset
python implicit_q_learning/ --furniture one_leg --demo_dir scripted_sim_demo/one_leg_processed/ --out_file_path scripted_sim_demo/one_leg_sim.pkl --use_r3m
  1. You can train an IQL policy using the following script. If you want to log using wandb, use these arguments: --wandb --wandb_entity <entity_name> --wandb_project <project_name>.

python implicit_q_learning/ --env_name=FurnitureImageFeatureDummy-v0/<furniture> --config=implicit_q_learning/configs/ --run_name <run_name> --data_path=<path/to/pkl> --encoder_type=[vip | r3m]

# E.g., train IQL with R3M features
python implicit_q_learning/ --env_name=FurnitureImageFeatureDummy-v0/one_leg --config=implicit_q_learning/configs/ --run_name one_leg_sim --data_path=scripted_sim_demo/one_leg_sim.pkl --encoder_type=r3m

Evaluating IQL#

To evaluate an IQL policy, run implicit_q_learning/ as follows:


python implicit_q_learning/ --env_name=FurnitureSimImageFeature-v0/<furniture> --config=implicit_q_learning/configs/ --run_name <run_name> --encoder_type=[vip | r3m] --ckpt_step <ckpt_step>

# E.g., evaluate IQL with R3M features
python implicit_q_learning/ --env_name=FurnitureSimImageFeature-v0/one_leg --config=implicit_q_learning/configs/ --run_name one_leg_sim --encoder_type=r3m --ckpt_step 1000000