FurnitureBench: Real-World Furniture Assembly Benchmark
FurnitureBench is the real-world furniture assembly benchmark, which aims at providing a reproducible and easy-to-use platform for long-horizon complex robotic manipulation. Furniture assembly poses integral robotic manipulation challenges that autonomous robots must be capable of: long-horizon planning, dexterous control, and robust visual perception. By presenting a well-defined suite of tasks with a lower barrier of entry (large-scale human teleoperation data and standardized configurations), we encourage the research community to push the boundaries of the current robotic system, reaching the level of automating everyday activities.
FurnitureBench is the real-world furniture assembly benchmark, which aims at providing a reproducible and easy-to-use platform for long-horizon complex robotic manipulation. Furniture assembly poses integral robotic manipulation challenges that autonomous robots must be capable of: long-horizon planning, dexterous control, and robust visual perception. By presenting a well-defined suite of tasks with a lower barrier of entry (large-scale human teleoperation data and standardized configurations), we encourage the research community to push the boundaries of the current robotic system, reaching the level of automating everyday activities.

Furniture Assembly

Long-horizon complex manipulation tasks


Standardized environment setup

Easy to Use

Python-based robot control stack / Simulator

Large-Scale Dataset

200+ hours of 5000+ teleoperation trajectories

Furniture Assembly: Long-horizon Complex Manipulation Task

Reinforcement learning (RL), imitation learning (IL), and task and motion planning (TAMP) have demonstrated impressive performance across various robotic manipulation tasks. However, these approaches have been limited to learning simple behaviors in current real-world manipulation benchmarks, such as pushing or pick-and-place. To enable more complex, long-horizon behaviors of an autonomous robot, we propose to focus on real-world furniture assembly, a complex, long-horizon robot manipulation task that requires addressing many current robotic manipulation challenges to solve.


FurnitureBench is a reproducible real-world furniture assembly benchmark aimed at providing a low barrier for entry and being easily reproducible, so that researchers across the world can reliably test their algorithms and compare them against prior work.

Our system runs with vision-based control for assembly tasks. The robot takes as an observation the images from front and wrist cameras and proprioceptive robot state, and operates with delta end-effector pose and gripper action commands at 10Hz. Then, Operational Space Control (OSC) converts an action into joint torques.

FurnitureBench provides a suite of 8 tasks, each of which introduces its own interactions and challenges. The furniture models are designed inspired by IKEA furniture and modified to enable a single robotic arm to carry out the assembly.

Reproducible Environment

To make the real-robot environment easy to reproduce, we opt for widely used products across the world (e.g., Franka Panda, Intel RealSense cameras, IKEA table) and 3D-printing objects. 10 participants could successfully reproduce the environment from scratch with the performance gaps smaller than 16%.

Our benchmark has three different levels of randomness in the initial states: low, medium, and high. The higher the randomness in the initial state is, the more generalization capability is required for an agent. We provide a task initialization GUI tool to evaluate algorithms under those initial state distribution.

Three Task Levels w.r.t. Initial Randomness
Task Initialization Guide GUI

Easy-to-Use Environment

We provide a Python-based plug-and-play software stack, including scripts for environment setup, data collection, training, evaluation, and more. FurnitureBench's Python APIs are shared across real-world and simulated environments.

(2x speed)


FurnitureSim is a fast and realistic simulator of FurnitureBench, based on IsaacGym and Factory. FurnitureSim is designed to be a seamless substitution of the real-world environment, which enables rapid prototyping of new algorithms. Check out FurnitureSim via PyPI!

pip install furniture-bench

(5.2x speed)
(4x speed)
Offline Ray Tracing
(6x speed)

Large-Scale Datasets

The complexity and long task horizon of FurnitureBench tasks make tabula rasa RL with real-world interactions challenging. To make our benchmark tractable, we provide 219.6 hours of 5100 teleoperation demonstrations. The table below summarizes the dataset statistics.

Furniture Initial randomness # demos Avg. length Total hrs
lamp low 150 594 4.9
lamp medium 150 598 5.0
lamp high 50 768 2.1
square_table low 150 1689 14.1
square_table medium 150 1660 13.8
square_table high 50 1682 4.7
desk low 100 1531 8.5
desk medium 100 1914 10.6
desk high 50 1687 4.7
drawer low 250 571 7.9
drawer medium 250 520 7.2
drawer high 50 781 2.2
cabinet low 150 883 7.4
cabinet medium 150 814 6.8
cabinet high 50 1166 3.2
round_table low 100 847 4.7
round_table medium 100 867 4.8
round_table high 50 1060 2.9
stool low 100 1231 6.8
stool medium 100 1419 7.9
stool high 50 1273 3.5
chair low 100 1817 10.1
chair medium 100 2282 12.7
chair high 50 2066 5.7
one_leg low 1000 374 20.8
one_leg medium 1000 429 23.8
one_leg high 500 461 12.8
Office Age Start date Salary

Benchmark Results

Our experiments consist of two benchmarks:

  • Single-Skill Benchmark evaluates each individual subtask (e.g., grasping, pushing, inserting, screwing)
  • Full-Assembly Benchmark evaluates entire assembly tasks that require long-horizon planning and dexterous control

We evaluate our benchmark with imitation learning (BC) and the state-of-the-art offline RL (IQL).

Single-Skill Benchmark

We benchmark first five skills of each furniture task. The results in the table below demonstrate that individual skill policies can successfully learn grasping and placing skills; but, mostly fail at inserting, which requires precise alignment.

Full-Assembly Benchmark

We present both quantitative and qualitative results on full furniture assembly tasks below. The completed phases represent the number of successful subtasks (e.g., grasping, placing, inserting) of full-assembly tasks. Overall, neither BC nor IQL achieves a single part assembly except for one-leg.

Qualitative Results

Videos play in 2x speed.

Best-performing policy: inserts bulb but fails to screw
Fails on inserting bulb #1
Fails on inserting bulb #2
Best-performing policy: picks up leg but fails to hold
Repeats opening and closing gripper, and then stops moving
Fails grasping tabletop
Best-performing policy: screws one leg and grasps the other.
Fails to insert leg #1
Fails to insert leg #2
Best-performing policy: fails to insert drawer
Collides with drawer body and fails grasping
Stucks at drawer body
Best-performing policy: fails on inserting cabinet door
Places cabinet in the corner but stops moving afterwards
Fails to place cabinet in the corner
Best-performing policy: repeats screwing even after the screw is tightened
Fails to insert leg but tries to screw
Table top hits leg, making grasping leg failed
Best-performing policy: tries to screw leg
Fails to insert leg #1
Fails to insert leg #2
Best-performing policy: fails on insertion
Fails to grasp leg, instead grasps nut
Randomly grasps the chair back
Best-performing policy: successfully assembles the leg
Luckily inserts leg but fails to screw
Fails to insert leg

Project using FurnitureBench


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  title={FurnitureBench: Reproducible Real-World Benchmark for Long-Horizon Complex Manipulation},
  author={Minho Heo and Youngwoon Lee and Doohyun Lee and Joseph J. Lim},
  booktitle={Robotics: Science and Systems},